Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Wings of Morning by Murray Pura

 **I received this book from Harvest House Publishers through NetGalley. I am not required to give a positive review, just an honest one. This review is posted on Amazon, Goodreads, and my personal blog:**

 According to Goodreads:

Lovers of Amish fiction will quickly sign on as fans of award-winning author Murray Pura as they keep turning the pages of this exciting new historical romance set in 1917 during America's participation in World War I.

Jude Whetstone and Lyyndaya Kurtz, whose families are converts to the Amish faith, are slowly falling in love.

Jude has also fallen in love with flying that new-fangled invention, the aeroplane.
The Amish communities have rejected the telephone and have forbidden motorcar ownership but not yet electricity or aeroplanes.

Though exempt from military service on religious grounds, Jude is manipulated by unscrupulous army officers into enlisting in order to protect several Amish men. No one in the community understands Jude's sudden enlistment and so he is shunned. Lyyndaya's despair deepens at the reports that Jude has been shot down in France. In her grief, she turns to nursing Spanish flu victims in Philadelphia. After many months of caring for stricken soldiers, Lyyndaya is stunned when an emaciated Jude turns up in her ward.
Lyyndaya's joy at receiving Jude back from the dead is quickly diminished when the Amish leadership insist the shunning remain in force. How then can they marry without the blessing of their families? Will happiness elude them forever?

Welcome a powerful new voice to the world of Amish fiction

This book definitely took on a new twist, at least where I was concerned. I have never read another book quite like this one. This story took place around 1917, WW1 and the Spanish Influenza epidemic. At first, I was a little hesitant to read this book. However, I was pleasantly surprised.

I was shocked to find out that at that time, aeroplanes were not banned from the Amish. I was so upset when the soldiers came to the community to take the Amish men away for war. Jude showed extreme strength throughout this book. He sacrificed himself so his friends could go home safely.

The more I read Amish books, the more I fall in love with their way of life.

The description throughout this book, was fantastic. Not only did I laugh, I also cried.

I rate this book 5/5!

1 comment:

Carol N Wong said...

Wow, this is so surprising!! Thank you for this great review. I put it on my wish list.
